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A list of the 20 most popular fonts on Fontasy, sorted by rating.

1. Saiba 45 by Formless Labs - first seen in 2023.

Saiba 45 by Formless Labscontains the euro symbol €

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2. Fundamental Brigade by Peter Wiegel - first seen in 2012.

Fundamental Brigade by Peter Wiegelcontains Umlautscontains the euro symbol €Cyrillic alphabet

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3. 5 cent by 11-D - first seen in 1999.

5 cent by 11-D

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4. Bodedo by HvD Fonts - first seen in 2006.

Bodedo by HvD Fontscontains Umlautscontains the euro symbol €

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5. Disco Duck by Iconianfonts - first seen in 1999.

Disco Duck by Iconianfonts

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6. Urban Scrawl by an unknown typographer - first seen in 1997.

Urban Scrawl by unknown

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7. Rabelo by Pedro Teixeira Foundry - first seen in 2017.

Rabelo by Pedro Teixeira Foundrycontains Umlautscontains the euro symbol €

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8. Hilde Sharpie by Chank - first seen in 1996.

Hilde Sharpie by Chankcontains Umlauts

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9. Aftermath by an unknown typographer - first seen in 1997.

Aftermath by unknown

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10. Interdimensional (Sliders) by Jim Pingle - first seen in 1996.

Interdimensional (Sliders) by Jim Pingle

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11. Painting with Chocolate by mooze - first seen in 2018.

Painting with Chocolate by moozecontains Umlautscontains the euro symbol €

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12. Maranallo by Gemfonts - first seen in 1998.

Maranallo by Gemfontscontains Umlauts

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13. Tinsnips by Larabiefonts - first seen in 1997.

Tinsnips by Larabiefonts

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14. Kingthings Christmas 2 by Kingthings Fonts - first seen in 2009.

Kingthings Christmas 2 by Kingthings Fontscontains Umlautscontains the euro symbol €

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15. Alien Encounters by Shyfonts - first seen in 1999.

Alien Encounters by Shyfonts

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16. Bamberg by DTF - first seen in 1991.

Bamberg by DTFcontains Umlauts

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17. Xenowort by Larabiefonts - first seen in 1997.

Xenowort by Larabiefonts

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18. Used Servers by Alta Technologies - first seen in 2022.

Used Servers by Alta Technologiescontains Umlauts

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19. Neurochrome by Larabiefonts - first seen in 1997.

Neurochrome by Larabiefonts

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20. New Venice by Russ Rowlett - first seen in 1995.

New Venice by Russ Rowlettcontains Umlauts

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