Free Fonts

Fontasy is a free font archive featuring 1105 selected fonts for PC and Mac, available for free download. You can start to browse alphabetically, with A, or in categories. Or you can view some random fonts. If you have feedback or found an error, any questions? Please send an email to support [at]

Fonts by style

All fonts categorized into 72 different styles. Some of the most popular are: curly fonts, handwriting, Art Déco and Gothic fonts.

Fonts A to Z

If you prefer to just browse through Fontasy's large collection of fonts, you can find the classical view of fonts in alphabetical order here.

The latest font downloads – Also available on Facebook and as RSS.

Saiba 45 by Formless Labs - first seen in 2023, added on 2023-12-10 (427 days ago).

Saiba 45 by Formless Labscontains the euro symbol €

In: Fonts by style(s): Japan, Outline, Sci-Fi, Fonts starting with S.

Used Servers by Alta Technologies - first seen in 2022, added on 2022-12-29 (773 days ago).

Used Servers by Alta Technologiescontains Umlauts

In: Fonts by style(s): Sci-Fi, Fonts starting with U.

Legal situation?

Almost all the fonts are freeware, but they still are the property of the respective authors. A commercial use should – if possible – always be discussed with the typographer who designed the font. The links to their homepages can be found directly above the font downloads, if known.

More freebies at The , fonts at .